Rely on my love little lamb
15/04/20 22:19 Filed in: shepherd-lamb-talk
Love that removes fear.
The lamb asks the Shepherd…
How much do you love me, did you say?

I am the Good shepherd,
I paid for your life
with My life.
Then you would not be there for me?
Yes but
I took my life back again.
I live for evermore.
O can I do that?
O yes, if you are mine
Then so shall you.
O I love you Shepherd.
Be filled
With My love.
What sort of love?
God-love: His idea.
What is God love like?
Covenanted, legally binding -
Wanting the best for you.
O it sounds so good.
It is the best. There is none like it.
Perfect love removes fear.
What else can love do for me?
In you
Helps you choose
Right from wrong,
Best choice from less good.
How do I know the best way?
You feel...
Peace and joy
At your choice.
Can I learn it by myself?
No little one. You need my help. Ask Me.
How will you help me?
I send you The Holy Ghost.
He comforts
reminds you what I have said
what God wrote for you.
Am I good enough?
In me you are.
Then you are clothed
I cover you; you are pure white.
I am glad.
Remember me always.
I am sad, Shepherd.
I cares for you deeply
More than anyone.
I watched you forming
In the womb.
I know
Every trauma
You suffered
Knowing or not.
You do?
I store your tears in a bottle
I will not break a bruised reed
or snuff out a dying candle.
I restore.
I heal your mind and soothe your heart.
How so?
My peace passes understanding
My Joy depends
On Myself alone.
When my heart breaks, Shepherd?
I am with you, I have said so.
When your heart is broken
I am very close to you then.
I love a broken spirit.
Call me I will come.
Thank you Shepherd. I will call. All the time.
That is good.
I will help you little Lamb.
What if I can't see you Shepherd?
You will not ever be alone.
Not for a second.
No matter where you go
Or what happens.
Trust me.
I will reward that.
Bye for now Shepherd. I'm going to eat some grass.
Love is a Way of life, little lamb.
Keep on the path.
I will, with your help.
Just ask.
Rely on my Love.
[Now pray. Address yourself sincerely and with all your heart to God, as best you can. Best to say out loud, be still, and see if He says anything back to you, or changes the way you feel.]
Dear God
Thank you for your amazing Love for me
You ask us to walk in your Love
Help me to understand what you mean
And how to do it.
Please help me to see how much it means that God lives within me,
and that I can hide and be safe in you.
Please bring me to the place where I have no fear
where you make me perfect in your Love, in this way of love
so that I need never be afraid of punishment
either in this life or the one to come.
When I am suffering
Help me understand that.
You are with me all the time.
Please help me choose to trust you then.
I trust you.
You know me.
You know my tears and pains
You are gentle and patient.
You have taken away the punishment of my wrongdoings through Jesus on the cross.
I need not fear.
Help me to choose not to fear but to thank you instead.
Whenever fear comes.
Send me your Holy Ghost to help and comfort me,
because, Shepherd, you send Him.
I know you are with me.
Because you say so. And you are God.
So thank you God.
In Jesus's name
Amen (I agree).
References (from the Bible)
Isaiah 42 verse 3
A bruised reed He will not break. And a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish
Psalm 23 verses 3, 4
He restores my soul
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I fear no evil for You are with me
Psalm 139 verses 13-14
You formed my inner parts; you wove me in my mother's womb ... I am wonderfully made
Psalm 56 verse 8
You have taken account of my wanderings, put my tears in your bottle.
Matthew 28 verse 20
I am with you always
Luke 11 verse 13
If you.. know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your [Good] heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?
John 10 verse 11
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
John 10 verse 30 and 17 verse 31
I and the Father are one. … You, Father, are in Me and I in You
John 14 verse 26
The Helper, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things... Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, or fearful.
Ephesians 3 verse 17 and 6 verses 9-10
So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to understand... the width and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ which is greater than all knowledge...And this I pray, that your love may increase still more and more, in real knowledge and being able to distinguish good and bad [discernment, every kind of insight],
so that you may approve the things that are excellent, [decide what is best,]
in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ [when He comes for the second time as King].
1 John 4 verse 14 -16
Whoever confesses [owns] that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in that person, and they in God.
We have come to know and have believed [relied on] the love which God has IN us (or FOR us, with the sense of living inside us).
God is love, and the one who lives with love actually lives in God and God lives within that person.
By this, love is perfected in us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgement; because as He is, so we are in this world.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.
Bible version - New American Standard Version with some difficult words transliterated by me.