Do I know your voice?
How can I know you Shepherd?

His Master's Voice
Lamb says,,,
Hello Shepherd. I am your lamb - what shall I do?
Follow me.
Are you a good shepherd?
Are there bad shepherds?
Yes, they will run away
At signs of trouble.
They do not love you sheep.
How will I know you, good Shepherd?
At night it is dark and I can't see your face.
My sheep know the sound of my voice.
Get to know my voice little lamb.
How will I know when it's your voice?
My voice
fills you with
Peace and joy.
Is your voice loud, Shepherd?
My voice is gentle and quiet.
You will learn to recognise it.
What is your voice like, good Shepherd?
It will be
A word for your moment
Your now
Your concern
Your pain
Or a long story teaching you
Something new.
How do you speak, Shepherd?
It may be
from my book.
Flip it open,
ask, then see.
My Spirit
Will show you.
What if I don't understand?
My Spirit will teach you.
How will I know it is Him?
He is a comforter.
Look for comfort.
Will it always be nice?
Sometimes I have to set
You on the right path.
But don't be dismayed
I am with you.
Even if I can't see you?
What is not your voice?
It will sound like confusion
And distress you.
Ah, maybe I do know your voice.
Yes you do.
As you pay attention you will hear it more.
Remember mama sheep?
Yes, Shepherd.
When you would not listen to her
Could you hear her voice?
No, Shepherd.
If you love me you will listen to mama sheep
and it will help you hear me too.
Do you really want to talk to me?
I want it so much.
Yes, I think of you a thousand times a day.
When will I know you, Shepherd?
When you know my voice
Listen and obey.
Make sure it is my voice.
I will confirm,
say it again.
In different ways.
Remember Gideon's
How will you know me?
If you know me
Then I know you.
Mention it to other lambs.
What then?
One day I will call
all the names
of my sheep.
When is that?
In heaven
before the angels
at the throne
of my Father.
O, then I want to know you Shepherd, and your voice.
Good. I want to know you too.
Bye for now, Shepherd.
I'm going to eat some grass.
Remind yourself of me little lamb.
I will remind myself of you, too.
Let's talk tomorrow.
Yes, good, let's talk often, often.
[As you pray, address yourself sincerely and with all your heart to God, as best you can. Best to say out loud, be still, and see if He 'says' anything back to you, or changes the way you feel.]
Dear God, best Shepherd
Help me follow You now.
Teach me to hear your voice.
Send me your Holy Spirit, Whom Jesus sends
because Jesus is in Heaven now
and the Holy Spirit comes to us.
Go for it, Lord
I want You.
In your Presence,
I will discover You.
Most loving being
in, beyond the universe,
I will find the Joy, Peace and your Love
because you freely give it,
you want me to have it.
This is the BEST thing
Help me Jesus
to find you out as Friend.
Shepherd who knows my name
Thank you that I have always been precious to you
and always will be.
In Jesus's name
Amen (I agree).
References (from the Bible)
Judges 6 verses 36-40
[ Ancient Israel was under attack, and oppressed by invading terrorists from neighbouring countries. The Israelite people cried out to God who sent an angel to call Gideon as their leader. Read the whole chapter for Gideon's story. This is the part about the fleece - a very furry sheepskin rug. ]
Gideon said to God,
"If you will deliver Israel [from these terrorists] through me, as You told me, [please do this sign for me.]
I will put a fleece of wool on the threshing floor [where I take wheat and prepare it for flour and bread].
[In the morning] if there is dew on the fleece only and it is dry on the ground, then I will know that You will deliver Israel through me as You have told me."
[ If you have experienced dew on the ground in the morning, you will know that it soaks everything, and nothing is left dry. ]
And it happened just so. When he got up early next morning and squeezed the fleece, he drained the dew from the fleece, a bowl full of water.
Then Gideon said to God,
"Do not be angry with me but let me speak again; please let me make a test once more with the fleece, let it be dry only on the fleece, and let there be dew on the ground."
God did so that night.
[ And so, God confirmed what Gideon had heard God say, twice, because Gideon requested it. So now Gideon acted. Read the next chapters for a good, true story. ]
Psalm 40 verse 5 and 144 verse 3
Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders which You have done,
And your thoughts toward us.
... they are too numerous to count.
What is a human being [compare to Almighty God], that you [bother to] get to know them [me]... that you think of them [me].
John 10 verses 11-15, 27-30
I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
A hired hand, who is not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and does not love the sheep.
I am the good shepherd, and I know my own sheep, and my own sheep know me, just like the Father knows me and I know the Father, and I lay down my life for the sheep.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I give eternal life to them, and they will never be destroyed, and no-one will take them away from me [snatch them out of my hand]. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; and no-one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are one.
John 15 verse 15
I call you friends
Romans 10 verse 9
If you confess [tell others] with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord [Commander], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Revelation 2 verse 17 and 3 verse 5 and 7 verse 17
To the one who overcomes [follows me to the end] ... I will give them a white stone, and their new name will be written on the stone [for them alone to know].
For the one who overcomes [follows me to the end] ... I will confess their name before my Father and before his angels.
The Lamb [of God, that is Jesus] ... will be their shepherd, and guide them to spirits of the water of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes.

Bible version - New American Standard Version with some difficult parts transliterated and commented by me.